Thursday, April 8, 2010

Thoughtless Thursday- Rufio Edition

Happy Thursady everyone... aka- yay! it's almost Friday! This is a quick Thoughtless Thurday post to share some pics of the Rufio concert my BFF and our friend Fred went to a month ago. We loved them in highschool and it was fun seeing them again after all these years! I did discover that I am officially too old for mosh pits now... If you have never heard them and want to check them out, Slow Dance is my favorite song! To play along head on over to Life in the Fulmer Lane and link up!



  1. yay! thanks for playing!!! :) it looks like y'all had fun!!!

  2. You crack me up! I heart that band too! I am officially to old for mosh pits too! hahahahaha

    Before I got pregnant with Kelcee we went to Oz Fest and Oh My goodness....Mosh Pits all over the place....oh and don't get me started on the girls in body paint that um had no business wearing body paint LOL

    Great pics....look like ya had fun
    Summer ;0)
