Thursday, October 21, 2010
Smile, Smile, Smile
I don't know if its my love of TJ Thyne on Bones, my love of pictures, or what, but I love this!
Friday, October 8, 2010
What's Black, White & Red All Over?
I am the maid of honor in my best friend's up coming nuptuals and one of my responsibilities was throwing her a great shower! Her one big request was red velvet cupcakes... Ask and you shall recieve! I think these turned out so great- they almost look professional!

Monday, August 23, 2010
California Dreaming

Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Thank You
Sunday, August 8, 2010
A Hole In My Heart

Friday, July 9, 2010
Summer Gear and Other Fri Fun

1. What is one food you could eat everyday?
Sandwich and soup, and I pretty much eat these two things all the time!
2. Are you working in the career you thought you would be when you were 18?
I decided that I wanted to be a pharmacist when I was in 11th grade, so yes I am in the career that I planned on. With my move, I am not sure what area of pharmacy I will be in next, so I am at a crossroads right now. In some ways that is really exciting and in some ways that is really scary!
3. What is something that you wish you would have done when you were younger and you didn't?
I wish I had stayed with dance and gymnastics longer. I have been watching So You Think You Can Dance, and it made me miss my own dancing days!
4. What color are your kitchen walls?
White... pretty exciting, right?
5. Do you remember what your very first favorite song was?
Oooo, this is a hard one! I was a music lover very early in life! I loved country and I think one of my favorites was Tim McGraw's Don't Take The Girl. I remember singing that song on the playground with my friends in elementary school. I also remember my parents singing songs to me when I was young like The Carpenter's Close To You.
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Big News and Some FiH Fun...
The bigger issue for me is leaving my family and friends (and his friends too.) I am extremely close to my family and I would miss them like crazy. My grandpa is also having some serious health problems and I would not be able to see him every week like I do now. There are a lot of issues for me to think about before I decide but a big part of my heart is saying "GO FOR IT!" and I think it would be nice to explore a new state and city together. I love Dave so much and I can't picture my life without him. So, while this is not exactly a "thoughtless post" I will share some random snapshots of Dave and Ty for Thoughtless Thursday. In my heart I know it would be a great adventure with this wonderful man by my side! (And that little furry man too!)

Head on over and play along too!

The Possible Future NorCal Resident...Katie
Thursday, June 24, 2010
The ABCs Of Me & My New Hair Cut

Monday, June 21, 2010
Sugar Doll Award

This award comes with the following rules:
1. Thank the person who gave you the award.
2. Share ten things about yourself
3. Pass the award along to 10 bloggers who you have recently discovered and who you think are fantastic!
4. Contact the bloggers and let them know you've picked them for the award.
I would definitely like to say a big thank you to Ro Magnolia! It is so sweet of her to pick me and it is so nice to know that people really read my blog! If you have not checked out her blog please do so! She always posts the most gorgeous pictures of the flora and fauna in her neck of the woods and she has the cutest four legged friends! She is also a great writer and a great blog to read so stop by and say hi!
I have shared so much in my short time blogging so it is hard to come up with ten new things about myself, but here goes:
1. I am a third generation Arizona native. My grandma, my dad, and I were all born and raised in AZ and I have never lived anywhere else. Maybe in the future I will move somewhere new, but AZ will always be in my heart!
2. I used to love gymnastics and was actually pretty good at the uneven bars. I can still do the splits and round offs and handstands.
3. I love flowers. My favorites are roses, orchids and peonies, but I pretty much love all kinds of flowers. I prefer potted plants as opposed to cut flowers.
4. I have a BLACK thumb! I literally kill every plant I have ever had! Even the easy ones! I can usually keep the lucky bamboo alive for a while, but eventually even those die on me.
5. I hate to have my toenails bare. I prefer to have my nails natural, but I love having polish on my toes. Every once in a while I give my toes a break, but I can't stand to look at them and wear close-toed shoes!
6. I have never traveled outside of North America. I have visited many places in the United States, Canada, and Mexico, but I have never been outside of this continent. I am hoping to change that someday!
7. I am afraid to fly and my boyfriend has his private pilot's license. This makes him sad because he likes to fly "just for the fun of it," while I see it as a necessary evil to get to where I want to go.
8. I love the library. I love to go there to study, to check out books/DVDs/CDs, and to take advantage of the free events at the library. Dave and I took free ballroom dancing lessons there!
9. I have a dream that I will get to see all of the National Parks in the United States. I think there is nothing more awe-inspiring than God's natural wonders.
10. I love to collect quotes. I have been writing down my favorite quotes since I was young and still copy and paste my favorites into a word document. Maybe I should start a page for them?
It is also very hard for me to narrow down my selection of my favorite newly discovered bloggers to just ten choices! There are so many wonderful writers out there and I love reading so many blogs! Some of my favorites include:
1. Sink or Swim
2. Bits & Pieces
3. Wandering Thoughts of a Scientific Housewife
4. Life & Times of Alison & Justin
5. Katie's Journey
6. The Road Less Traveled
7. Kendra Diaries
8. Chronicles of Neely
9. Life In A Small Town
10. Newlywedded
Monday, June 14, 2010
Good Times and Guilty Pleasures
On Thursday, Dave came over and we went to the library for a little while together. We got a little studying done but I started to feel sick so we had to leave early. We watched the Celtics and Lakers NBA game, and again it was a great game! I am kind of rooting for the Celtics, but I like the Lakers too. Still hoping I can see the Suns win a championship someday!
On Friday Dave and I had lunch at Jason's Deli (pot roast sandwich- I love thee!) and stopped by my Grandma and Grandpa's house. We were there for quite a long time and it was really nice to hear all the old stories. I am working on scanning all of their photo albums for a digital frame that we are giving to my Grandpa for Father's Day. I love looking at the really old pictures! My grandparents are so sweet and my dad was the cutest little kid! Scanning all those albums is A LOT of work, but definitely worth it to save all the memories from the past.
Friday night I went to the bar where Courtney works to keep her company as she collected money at the door. It was a pretty mellow night, but I still had fun. They had live bands there, but all in all they were pretty terrible! Courtney's friend Caroline was there too and she was pretty nice. I had met her before but this was the first time I had the chance to talk to her. I also think its pretty funny to try to hold a conversation with drunk people when I am stone cold sober! A few guys tried to talk to me and half of what they said didn't even make sense-lol. Courtney also worked the bar during the day on Saturday. She called me and said it was completely dead in there so I went in and she painted my nails. Some of her other friends stopped in a little later and we played darts. These guys have their own darts, so you know they mean business, but it was really fun! I also scheduled a hair appointment with Court's friend Ashley. I have never had her cut my hair, but from what I have seen she does a great job! I guess I will see on Thursday. I will do a before and after for you all ( :
Sunday, Dave and I went for lunch at the mall and did a little shopping. He got me this cute necklace from Forever 21. He works in the aerospace industry and has his private pilots license, so when he saw this he wanted me to have it: {Image via F21}
How cute is that bejeweled plane? Oh how I love cheap accessories, and Dave is definitely an enabler in that area! Sunday night was another NBA championship night and we also took my dog for a walk around the lake by my house. All in all a really great week!
I am also playing along with Taylor's Top 2 Tuesday and the topic is Top 2 Guilty Pleasures:
1. Bad TV- I have some shows on my DVR that I am sure are killing brain cells but I still love them. These shows drive Dave CRAZY and he cannot stand them. I don't really know why but I love to watch 16&Pregnant/Teen Mom, Keeping Up With The Kardashians, Kendra, etc.
2. Buying Cheap Accessories (see above)- I know I need to stop buying cheap stuff that breaks within three or four wears but I cannot help myself when I see a new shiny bauble that is less than 10 bucks!

Head on over and play along!
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Happy and Healthy on this Wishful Wednesday
This week over at the Seattle Smith's, Kelsey has a fun topic for Wishful Wednesday...
This is a hard one for me! I think I am pretty lucky to have the career that I do. I have always been interested in science and especially biology and medical topics. I love pharmacy because I am in the health care field but I don't have any "hands-on" duties (I don't have the stomach for some of that stuff! I almost fainted in the Cadaver lab at school!) I do love working with patients and being able to answer their questions and ease their fears in the times when they are sick and scared. So... I really love being a pharmacist and can't picture myself doing anything else!

Monday, June 7, 2010
Confessions of an Ex-Bookworm

As for this weekend, it was pretty low key. On Friday Dave brought home some delicious Greek food from one of our favorite Greek places on the other side of town- yummy! On Saturday morning I went to my Aunt and Uncle's new place to help them unload their U-haul truck. It was hot but I am glad I could help. As my Dad always says, "Many hands make for light work." My family and I went out for Mexican for lunch which was pretty tasty! On Saturday night, I went to the movies to see the new Shrek with Dave. It was cute but not as good as the other ones in my opinion. I also forgot to eat dinner before the movie and ended up eating WAYY too much popcorn and it totally made me sick! Other than that we just hung out together- watched a little TV (the NBA game!) and took Ty for a walk.
Friday, June 4, 2010
Proud New Businesswoman
Fill In The Blank Fridays
1. My dream vacation would be... anywhere tropical with a beach! I would love to go to Hawaii with my boyfriend, friends, and family {can someone have a destination wedding there so I can go??} I also would love to go on a trip across Europe with the people I love. Someday I hope to make these dreams a reality! I definitely have a wanderers soul!
2. The best trip I've ever taken was... my trip to NYC. I am lucky to have gone on many wonderful vacations with my family, my friends, and my boyfriend, so its hard for me to pick just one! This Christmas/New Years trip to NYC with my cousin was so amazing. I think New York is so beautiful in the winter. We navigated the subways, saw ALL the sights, and spent New Years Eve in Times Square. It was definitely something I will never forget.
3. The most important items to take on a road trip are... delicious snacks, CDs/iPod, and of course amazing people to keep you company. My favorite things to do in the car are sing along to the radio and play car games and just talk with my co-pilots.
4. The next trip I'm looking forward to is... California for my birthday/Labor Day. I have been to California many times, but this year I am hoping we can make it to Catalina Island. I have not been there since sixth grade and I would love to see it again. I think all our friends will be there too so that will make it even sweeter!
5. If I had to pick one CD to listen to for a long road trip it would be... Oooh this is a hard one! Probably Sublime's self titled CD. It is always a crowd pleaser and it has a nice mellow vibe.
6. The biggest disaster I've ever encountered while traveling was... as I have said a few posts back, it is without a doubt the time I flooded our hotel room. It was a self induced disaster- haha. Funny now, awful then!
7. My favorite traveling memory is... camping on the Mexican beaches with my family. We would go every year with some family friends and it was always a blast. Once Mexico gets a little safer I am hoping my family and I can all go back together!
I am also playing along with the lovely Girl In Pearls for Favorite Fridays.

This week's topic is favorite movie trilogy. I ALMOST went with Lord of the Rings, because it is so amazing, but I am going to have to go with the Austin Powers triology. Yes, the last one was pretty bad but I really liked the first two! Dr Evil, Mini-Me, the Femme Bots, Fat Bastard, and many other memorable crazy characters.

I know it is kind of a cheesy pick, but I remember laughing so much watching these (and quoting the movie over and over!)
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Another Thursday To Be Thankful For

We also spent Tuesday night out with Ben before he had to go back to the Midwest. We went to Dave & Busters and played some games. My favorites were a trivia game (which I got the bonus for getting all the answers right one round!) and the basketball game. Here is Dave and his Trivia ticket winnings ( :

To play along head on over to Life in the Fulmer Lane and link up!

For Thankful Thursday Five at MannLand5 here are five things that
I am thankful for this week:
1. Delicious Cold Drinks On A Hot Day
Nothing is better than an ice cold drink on one of the many hot days here in the southwest. Lately I have been making my own smoothies a lot. I used to work at a smoothie shop and I make some pretty delish frozen treats. Here is a simple recipe in case you are interested in making your own:
1 cup frozen strawberries, 1/2 banana, 2 scoops frozen yogurt, fruit juice (I like pineapple, but you can use whatever you like) Blend until smooth and enjoy!
2. Long Weekends With Friends
Vegas was still a great get-away even with all the DRAMA! My favorite things were dancing at Coyote Ugly and all the buffets!
3. My New Sunglasses
(see above) They were on sale and they are pretty timeless! I will be wearing these beauties for a while!
4. My DVR
Sometimes after a big trip you just need a few nights of watching TV and relaxing at home, or at least I do! I love having all my shows recorded and getting to skip all the commercials!
5. My Pup
There is nothing better than coming home to a loyal little guy who has been missing me and is super excited to have me back home!
Share all the things you're thankful for over at Mannland5!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Delightful Dates
Our First Trip To California Together:
This was one of our first overnight trips together and it really strengthened our bond. It was a trip for my birthday and a group of my friends came along too. It was fun hanging out on the beach, swimming in the oceans, and soaking up the sun during the day while drinking and dancing at night. It was the first time Dave met my group of friends from high school and they loved him! We had a lot of fun on this trip and he was so sweet to me during the trip. Even though we have been to California many times since then, this trip will always hold a special place in my heart!

Our First Trip To Vegas Together:
This was another amazing trip we took when we first started dating. We had the typical Vegas fun- blackjack, drinking, dancing, crab leg buffets, and seeing all the sights at all the casinos. We went with some of his friends and some of my friends and that made it even more fun! We would have some couple time then also get to meet up with all of our best friends! The thing that made this trip special for me and Dave is kind of embarrassing... We we staying at a hotel off the strip. They were doing construction and while we were getting ready one day I went to turn the sink on and the water was shut off at the source. I didn't think much of it since we were pretty much done getting ready. We we got back that evening our hotel room was completely flooded. The water was turned back on and I must have left the faucet turned on. It damaged our room and the room below. It was awful and I was so scared of how Dave would react. He was upset since the room was on his credit card, but he was so incredibly sweet to me. He was so great and it was just one of those moments that made me realize what a great guy he is!

There are so many other great dates we have been on so honorable mention goes to:
~The Zoo/Aquarium
~Desert Botanical Garden
~Melting Pot
~Dancing at the Bars
~Ballroom Dancing Lessons
~Dinner Theatre
~Watching the F-16s take off at Luke Air force Base
~Batting Cages
~AZ State Fair
~Going out on lake in Dave's boat
~Dbacks Baseball Games
~Packers Football Games
~Going to the Archery Range
Seriously I could go on and on! I guess that is how you know you have a keeper! To link up and share your own favorite dates, head over to the Undomestic Momma