Our First Trip To California Together:
This was one of our first overnight trips together and it really strengthened our bond. It was a trip for my birthday and a group of my friends came along too. It was fun hanging out on the beach, swimming in the oceans, and soaking up the sun during the day while drinking and dancing at night. It was the first time Dave met my group of friends from high school and they loved him! We had a lot of fun on this trip and he was so sweet to me during the trip. Even though we have been to California many times since then, this trip will always hold a special place in my heart!

Our First Trip To Vegas Together:
This was another amazing trip we took when we first started dating. We had the typical Vegas fun- blackjack, drinking, dancing, crab leg buffets, and seeing all the sights at all the casinos. We went with some of his friends and some of my friends and that made it even more fun! We would have some couple time then also get to meet up with all of our best friends! The thing that made this trip special for me and Dave is kind of embarrassing... We we staying at a hotel off the strip. They were doing construction and while we were getting ready one day I went to turn the sink on and the water was shut off at the source. I didn't think much of it since we were pretty much done getting ready. We we got back that evening our hotel room was completely flooded. The water was turned back on and I must have left the faucet turned on. It damaged our room and the room below. It was awful and I was so scared of how Dave would react. He was upset since the room was on his credit card, but he was so incredibly sweet to me. He was so great and it was just one of those moments that made me realize what a great guy he is!

There are so many other great dates we have been on so honorable mention goes to:
~The Zoo/Aquarium
~Desert Botanical Garden
~Melting Pot
~Dancing at the Bars
~Ballroom Dancing Lessons
~Dinner Theatre
~Watching the F-16s take off at Luke Air force Base
~Batting Cages
~AZ State Fair
~Going out on lake in Dave's boat
~Dbacks Baseball Games
~Packers Football Games
~Going to the Archery Range
Seriously I could go on and on! I guess that is how you know you have a keeper! To link up and share your own favorite dates, head over to the Undomestic Momma