I can't believe how fast time flies- whether you're having fun or not! It has been far too long since I have been in bloggy land and I think I am finally ready to get back to it. Twenty ten was in some ways a great year, but in a lot of ways it was a very difficult one for me. My grandpa died this year and left a huge whole in my family and in my heart. My boyfriend moved to start a new job and I almost moved with him. I got a job offer that I really wanted so I ended up staying in AZ. The long distance relationship along with the stresses of a new job really took its toll on me at the end of 2010. I had some wonderful memories from 2010 that helped me get through the difficult times. I got really close to my family and started to build a better, stronger relationship especially with my brother. I also felt that some of my friendships got stronger and it feels so comforting to know that I have real friends who care about me. My relationship with Dave was tested and it made us both realize just how much we love each other. I traveled and explored a lot of new places with Dave and my family, especially in nor cal. I love my love and I really can't complain but there are a lot of things I hope to work on and improve in 2011!
To kick off my new start at blogging I am joining in on the 11 in 2011 over at Teaching In Heels... better late than never I always say! ( :

Here are the topics:
Day 1: New Years Resolutions
Day 2: Favorite Holiday Memory
Day 3: Favorite Work-Out Tips
Day 4: Best Leftover Recipe
Day 5: Places You Hope to go this Year
Day 6: Best Organization Tricks
Day 7: Favorite Memory of 2010
Day 8: Favorite Healthy Snacks
Day 9: Favorite Things to Do on a Cold Winter Day
Day 10: Favorite Girls Night Out Events
Day 11: What are you Looking Forward to in 2011
To kick off my new start at blogging I am joining in on the 11 in 2011 over at Teaching In Heels... better late than never I always say! ( :

Here are the topics:
Day 1: New Years Resolutions
Day 2: Favorite Holiday Memory
Day 3: Favorite Work-Out Tips
Day 4: Best Leftover Recipe
Day 5: Places You Hope to go this Year
Day 6: Best Organization Tricks
Day 7: Favorite Memory of 2010
Day 8: Favorite Healthy Snacks
Day 9: Favorite Things to Do on a Cold Winter Day
Day 10: Favorite Girls Night Out Events
Day 11: What are you Looking Forward to in 2011
1. Read More, Watch TV Less:
I love TV and definitely won't be giving it up anytime soon, but I need to stop wasting time watching shows I don't really even like or stuff I have already seen. I plan to delete some shows from my DVR list. I also got a new phone this year that has a Kindle app on it that I love so I can have my book with me at all times. I will start out with reading a minimum of at least two books a month and will post my reviews on here to share what I think are good reads!
2. Eat Healthy, Get Moving:
I have a gym membership that I hardly ever use and in 2011 I vow to change that! I LOVE the classes at my gym and I am going to start taking advantage of that this year. I will take at least one class a week, and work out at least three times a week. I also want to buy a bike this year and start biking with my friends. I'm honestly not really sure where to start on the whole eating healthy thing, but I am going to eat more fresh fruits and veggies and stop skipping meals!
3. Keep My Life Clutter Free:
I really want to clean out my closet and craft area and get rid of some stuff so I can get to the stuff I actually want to use. Its really hard for me to let go of stuff, but I know I will be happier when there is less clutter. This also means not buying stuff that I don't need. Ugg- this will be hard.
4. Keep Track Of My Finances:
I would love to set up some system that allows me to track my spending and start creating (and sticking to) a budget. I am not really sure how I will go about this but I really want to put more money in savings and pay more on my student loans.
5. Make The Special People In My Life Feel Special:
I am definitely guilty of having grand intentions and then never following through. I need to work on doing small things for the people I love and not worrying about not doing enough or having unrealistic goals. I want to cherish the people that I love and make sure I nurture my relationships.
6. Get In Touch With My Spiritual Side:
I am not going to try to read the Bible in a year- I have failed that goal many times. Instead I would like to try to go to church more or even listen to the many great sermons online. I would like to pray more and trust God more.
7. Get Creative:
I am so happy when I get to craft or create something. I have so many wonderful supplies that I just have not had the opportunity to use. I want to set aside an hour at least once a week that I will get a little glue on my hands and glitter in my hair!
8. Get Domesticated:
I love to cook but I just have not done it very much. I want to commit to making at least one new recipe a month. I feel like I can handle that right?
9. Keep Educational Fires Alive
Of course I have to do my Continuing Education Credits every year, but I also want to read more on my own about the new things happening in my field as well as going to a live CE event if I can.
10. Be A Better Blogger:
I have truly missed the outlet that is this blog. Its therapeutic for me to reflect on the blessings and happy memories in my life and vent (occasionally) on the not so great parts of life. I love getting the encouraging and sweet comments from people and I love reading other peoples blogs and seeing life from their eyes. I will make an effort to stick with it this year as well as comment more on other people's blogs. I know how much I love it so I'm sure other people would too.
11. Count My Blessings EVERYDAY!!!!
I have myriad things in my life to be thankful for but some days I feel like all I want to do is complain. I need to remind myself everyday that I am blessed to live the life that I do and that the hard things make me stronger and better. I will thank God everyday for all that he has given me.
Yeah you're back!!! Missed you. Great list girl. :)
ReplyDeleteI'm glad you're back too!
ReplyDeleteI'm @www.lillypieaccessories.blogspot.com now. :)
Great resolutions!
ReplyDelete#6 - I failed it many times, too, but finally got it in 2010. Finished on Dec. 30. I have a book offer for you on Edgar Allen Poe post.