Hi lovelies! I just wanted to share a little update on what I've been up to the past month or so. Last time I was on here I was letting you all know that I *might* be moving to California with my boyfriend. Well, we did! I packed my boxes along with his and we loaded up a small UHaul that we pulled behind Dave's truck and a Pod that would be delivered to us later. We found a great condo and Dave started his new job. I love the area that we are living in up there! I really think we will have fun exploring the area together.
I flew back to stay with my family for a few weeks and take care of some loose ends with my work stuff. I was planning to stay for a few weeks, then take a road trip with my mom and dad back up to Sacramento. It would take care of me getting my car up there and allow them to see where we are living. We had it all planned but then my grandfather got sick and we put those plans on hold. Things are starting to get settled again so I think we will do our trip up there at the end of September. I think Dave is really lonely without me, but he understands. I am also hosting a bridal shower for my best friend, so I am glad I could be here to get that planned. I am so happy to be her maid of honor, but it really is a lot of responsibility!
Things have just been a little crazy around here lately, but I am so glad to be getting back into the swing of things and back to blogging! To kick things off right I am going to do a thirty day blogging challenge that I have seen around, so stay tuned! ( :